Friday, April 17, 2020
Essay Writing Strategies for History 131 Texas Southern University
Essay Writing Strategies for History 131 Texas Southern UniversityHistory 131 Texas Southern University is a school that provides an opportunity for students to learn about the rich and varied history of America. Students may be interested in learning about the early days of the United States as well as learning about how the United States came to be, or how the United States has evolved since its inception.Historians at History 131 Texas Southern University use different tools and methods of teaching to help students learn about history. The different aspects of this teaching method include:While history 101 focuses on showing students how to write an essay, History 131 Texas Southern University also uses a more hands-on approach to teach students how to use the essay as a learning tool. In particular, this includes teaching students how to construct an essay based on different types of examples and how to be sure that the essay structure they use is clearly stated in the directions given to them.Many students who are interested in using an essay as a tool for their learning will be pleased to know that there are instructors who are available to assist with all types of questions regarding essay writing. The different types of questions that the instructors will have available to them include the following:History 131 Texas Southern University has instructors available to help students find a resource for writing an essay. Students may be able to visit the Internet or ask faculty members in their area for various resources that are available. These resources can be used either by students who have completed their first semester of course work or for students who have not yet completed their first semester of class work.The instructors for History 131 Texas Southern University also provide instructions for how to make sure that the different parts of an essay are properly connected to each other. Some of these connections are based on past events, while others are based on an analysis of the essay itself. In any case, these instructions are important to students who want to get a better grasp of how to build an essay.In addition to the basics, instructors at History 131 Texas Southern University will also be willing to offer advice to students who want to learn more about their academic options. This includes discussing options for majors and helping students who want to choose a major. For example, some students may wish to pursue a career in historical writing while others may choose to pursue another career path.When students are preparing for an essay for History 131 Texas Southern University, they will likely find the suggestions they find in this article useful in preparing for the examination. The goal of an essay is to prove that one is capable of being able to write a well-written essay; thus, it is important that students learn how to write a well-written essay as soon as possible.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Essay Topics For the Merchant of Venice and the City of Sailing
Essay Topics For the Merchant of Venice and the City of SailingEssay topics for the merchant of Venice and the City of Sailing are topics that you should always consider when writing essays. If you want to be able to convince the editors at colleges, then you will need to be able to give an interesting essay topic which will be considered by students in college courses.There are a number of places where essays are studied and there are many course syllabi that feature essays. In a normal classroom situation where all the students are given a specific topic on which they must write their essays, it is not uncommon for a professor to make suggestions for essay topics to students. That is why it is important for you to look for a suitable essay topic which you can use for your own academic needs.One place where these topics are likely to appear is on course syllabus for a class on Venice and the City of Sailing. That is why it is essential that you prepare your essay topics for the merc hant of Venice and the City of Sailing in a way that it will seem interesting. The topics may be centered around a particular culture or theme, or may be based around some major topics of interest, but either way you must know what you are writing about so that it appears interesting.There are a number of ways you can approach essay topics for the merchant of Venice and the City of Sailing. The first thing that you need to do is to take a look at what is being studied in the class, and see if there is a theme or idea that everyone will be interested in. Then you need to find a way to talk about that idea or theme. Make sure that whatever you choose will be interesting and that you are not going to write something that is boring.To do this, you will need to look at the period in history when Venice was a bustling port city. In those days, the city was very commercial and it had a very prominent role in the trading of goods in the Mediterranean. You can use this as the basis for your essay topic.One way to approach the idea of this is to write about people who have had a commercial nature and used the city as a market. Then you need to think about how Venice itself is so commercial, and how trade was important in its early years. When you are looking at how trade functions today, then you can look at the different aspects of commerce in Venice.The use of Venice as a topic for your essay topic is not limited to a period of time. You can also use Venice as a topic for an essay. That is because it is possible to look at how different people perceive and use Venice today as an example of what commerce is all about.The Merchant of Venice and the City of Sailing is one of the most popular books on sailing that there is. It is not only about sailing itself, but it is about the history of sailing in general and about why different cultures have various views of this subject. It is difficult to describe the subject without using examples, so you will have to look at the uses of Venice in different ways to get the idea for your essay topics for the merchant of Venice and the City of Sailing.
TRYPSIN LAB Essay Example For Students
TRYPSIN LAB Essay Title: The Effects of Substrate Concentration and Temperature on the Rate of Hydrolysis of the Enzyme Trypsin. Abstract: Quantitative measurements can relate both temperature and substrate concentration to the enzymatic activity of trypsin. By analyzing the data, it is suggested that at BAPNA concentrations below those corresponding to Vmax are rate limiting, as less active sights are available for adhesion. The values of Vmax and Km relate a temperate catalytic efficiency of trypsin. The temperature range of most efficiency for the enzyme was those between 36 and 54 degrees Celsius. Introduction: Enzymes are specialized proteins that aid in formation or breakdown of larger protein or multi-protein complexes. Trypsin is a pancreatic protease that digests proteins by hydrolyzing the peptide bonds in proteins. It has a high degree of specificity and will only hydrolize the peptide bonds that occur on the carboxyl side of the amino acids lysine or arginine. Generally hydrolytic reactions occur with the addition of water to breakdown a large protein into two protein fragments. Substrate concentra tion and temperature both would interfere and affect with the hydrolysis of Na-benzol-L-arginly-p-nitroanalide (BAPNA) into arginina and p-nitroaniline (PNA). An increase in the substrate concentration would most likely enhance the conversion into PNA, as collisions between the enzyme and substrate would increase. Temperature and pH can both influence the kinetics of an enzyme (Karp 100). Trypsin, being an organic enzyme, would probably work most effectively at temperatures consistent with biological life, falling in the ranges of 34C and 40C. The change in PNA concentration can be plotted against BAPNA concentration or temperature. To measure the kinetics of an enzyme, two variables can be found, Vmax and Km. Km is the estimated substrate concentration required for the reaction to advance at one half Vmax. Vmax is the maximal velocity of the reaction. These two values can be determined from the double reciprocal of the Michalelis-Menton equation or the Lineweaver-Burke Plot, with t he y intercept being 1/ Vmax, and the x intercept being -1/ Km. the equations are as follows:Michalelis-Mentonvelocity of reaction= Vmax (substrate concentration)/( Kms) Lineweaver-Burke plot 1/velocity= Km/ Vmax*1/sibstrate concentration+1/ VmaxMethods: Part 1: Effect of Substrate Concentration on Velocity Cuvette one was placed into the spectrophotometer containing the following: 0.1 ml of 10X buffer (400 mM Tris-HCl and 160 mM CaCl2), and 0.9 ml H2O. The absorbance was then read using a wavelength of 410 nm, and the absorbance number was used as a blank for the rest of the lab. The cuvette contained no PNA (the colored substrate) and hence is the reading when no reaction is taking place. The wavelength was chosen because the substrate is colored yellow, and a color other than yellow was needed to penetrate the cuvette, (410 nm is blue light). The absorbencies were then found using the following concentrations (in mM): 0.020, 0.040, 0.060, 0.080, 0.100, 0.120, 0.160, and 0.200. Th e results were then plotted with the absorbance being the dependent variable and the concentration the independent. The extinction coefficient, also called the molar absorption coefficient, could then calculated using the equation provided by the Biology 152 Lab Manual, E=A/cl were E is the extinction coefficient, A the absorbance, c the product of concentration, and l the length of the light path. With the extinction coefficient found, the rate of reaction could be found. We will write a custom essay on TRYPSIN LAB specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now 0.1 ml of 10X buffer and 0.4 ml of H2O were added to two cuvettes and gently mixed. 0.4 ml of 1 mM BAPNA was then added to each. To cuvette one, an additional 0.1 ml of H2O was added and mixed and placed in the spectrophotometer. This was the control to measure the hydrolysis of BAPNA in the absence of enzyme. In the second cuvette 0.1 ml of enzyme was added and mixed, then placed into the spectrophotometer. Readings of the absorbencies were taken every 15 seconds for ten minuets. The extinction coefficient was then used to convert each absorbance reading to PNA concentration. .u274dda8a04e60d77318424d0e2adb49c , .u274dda8a04e60d77318424d0e2adb49c .postImageUrl , .u274dda8a04e60d77318424d0e2adb49c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u274dda8a04e60d77318424d0e2adb49c , .u274dda8a04e60d77318424d0e2adb49c:hover , .u274dda8a04e60d77318424d0e2adb49c:visited , .u274dda8a04e60d77318424d0e2adb49c:active { border:0!important; } .u274dda8a04e60d77318424d0e2adb49c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u274dda8a04e60d77318424d0e2adb49c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u274dda8a04e60d77318424d0e2adb49c:active , .u274dda8a04e60d77318424d0e2adb49c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u274dda8a04e60d77318424d0e2adb49c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u274dda8a04e60d77318424d0e2adb49c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u274dda8a04e60d77318424d0e2adb49c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u274dda8a04e60d77318424d0e2adb49c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u274dda8a04e60d77318424d0e2adb49c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u274dda8a04e60d77318424d0e2adb49c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u274dda8a04e60d77318424d0e2adb49c .u274dda8a04e60d77318424d0e2adb49c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u274dda8a04e60d77318424d0e2adb49c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: EToys EssaySeven tubes were prepared with the following a constant of 10X buffer, water, and enzyme. Added to the mixture were the following amounts (in ml) of BABNA before placing into the spectrophotometer: 0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.45, 0.60, and 0.80. Corresponding amounts of H2O were then added in the following amounts (ml): 0.75, .70, .60, .50, .35, .20, and .00.The absorbencies were read every 15 seconds for 2.5 minuets. The PNA concentration was then plotted as a function of time. The slope of the linear portion of the graph represented the initial velocity of substrate hydrolysis as a function of time. The linear properties of the graph begin to wane as the BAPNA supply decreases over time. The increasing of PNA concentration will drive the initial velocity of the equation equal of lesser to Vmax and extent the linear portion of the graph. More trypsin would invariably provide more active sites to which BAPNA molecules can bind. The initial velocity of substrate hydrolysis is thus greater. Dropping the concentration would have the opposite effect, lowering the initial velocity of the reaction, limiting the linear region, as the former extends the linear region. Part 2: Effect of Temperature on VelocityObtain constant amounts of 10X buffer, H2O, BAPNA, and enzyme and place into cuvettes, saving the addition of enzyme until last. Acquire prescribed temperature by lowering the bottom of the cuvette into a bath for two minuets. When removed, add the enzyme, place in the spectrometer with the same 410 nm setting and record absorbances every 15 seconds for two and a half minuets. Repeat for the following temperatures (C): 10, 38, 45, 47, 50, and 54. Use data to determine the ideal temperature for enzyme action. The reaction rate against the BAPNA concentration of the hydrolysis of BAPNA displays a preliminary linear increase in the rate of reaction with a gradual decrease in the change of rate with substrate concentration to Vmax. The Lineweaver-Burke plot graph (Fig 1) estimated the value of Vmax to be 0.0627 mM/min, while the Km estimated was 0.413 mM. The equation for the double reciprocal was 1/velocity=(6.586) 1/substrate conc.+15.947. The curve representing the rate of reaction versus time demonstrated a low rate of reaction for the low temperature extremes, including 10C. The most efficient temperature demonstrated by our experiment was that of 54C. However when the temperature was increased to 56C, the reaction declined. Each graphical representation of the individual temperatures carried with it similar characteristics. Each possessed an initial linear relationship, and then each began to level off as the extinction coefficient was reached. The results of our first experiment displayed that as the concentration of substrate in a solution of enzyme increases, the rate of reaction increases. Enzymes work on the principal that substrate is formed by random collisions between enzyme and substrate. Hence more of either will increase the production of product. Our data showed this too is true, as product was formed at a faster rate with more enzymes, than of those solutions containing less. The values of Km and Vmax (0.413 mM and 0.0627 respectively) obtained from Fig 1 imply that trypsin has a moderate affinity for its substrate. Trypsin is also sensitive to temperature. Higher temperatures seemingly denature the enzyme, changing its structure and hence it is no longer able to fit in the substrates active site. Being a biological enzyme, it would assume to work well at temperatures associated with biological life, which it did, working optimally within the range of 36-54 degrees Celsius. Below this temperature, little activity was observed as the molecules were moving in a slower fashion, and the shape once again is changed. Karp, G. (1996) Bioenergetics. Pages 91-103 in Karp, G., Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments Second Edition. John Wiley Sons Inc., New YorkBibliography:
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Essay Topics For College - How to Choose the Best Essay Topic For College Entrance Exam
Essay Topics For College - How to Choose the Best Essay Topic For College Entrance ExamWhen you are writing your essay for your college entrance exam, there are many good argumentative essay topics for college that you will be able to choose from. All you have to do is know how to choose the right one to help you get that full points on this test. Here are some tips to help you with this task.Your topic must be interesting. You cannot choose a topic that is boring and has nothing to do with your subject. If you try to do that, you will fail to write good essay. Make sure you have an interest in your topic.You can make a certain theme. For example, if you have the subject of money, you can choose a topic that has something to do with it. You can use it as the theme for your essay.You need to avoid many words. Try to avoid long sentences and trying to use metaphors to talk about different things. It is better to avoid words like 'by', 'or', 'and', 'it', and 'because'.Your essay should not be too long. You must keep in mind that a longer essay is easier to proofread and even a college requires several days to review your paper. In order to make the paper short, you must keep to the point. If you write too much, it will look complicated and will make it difficult for your reader to understand what you are saying.Your topic must be relevant. In this world, more people are going to college. If you have the wrong topic, it is likely that your chances of getting accepted are very slim.You need to submit your essays early. Most colleges want to get their essays up early so that you will have enough time to practice with them. By submitting early, it means that you are aware of the deadlines for all the essays. You need to be sure to submit them early to your college so that you will be ready to get yourself through the time allotted.When you are taking your college entrance exam, you will find many good essay topics for college that will help you get the best out of it. Be sure to get your essay topics done before the deadline so that you will be prepared for the best possible results.
Friday, April 10, 2020
Topics For Research Paper For College Students
Topics For Research Paper For College StudentsTopics for research paper for college students can be anything that you want to cover in your research. You can use it as an opportunity to explore the topic from all angles. There are many books available in the market that provides detailed information on subjects related to real life.Research papers to help you provide insight to your topic. There are several ways to get an idea about how to write a research paper for college students.Do research papers on any of the topics that you are interested in. Start writing and see how it comes out. Some subjects are easier to write about than others.It is important to make sure that you find out what research papers are available for your topics. You can access the internet or bookstore. There are some topics that you cannot get the answers for yourself. However, if you do a bit of research on these topics, you can come up with more ideas.Another thing that you can do is to find out what has b een written on the topic that you have a more interesting topic. This is helpful as you know what has been written on it. When writing on a research paper for college students, it is necessary to stay on topic. Avoid writing about various topics that will turn your topic into a mess.With so many topics that you can choose from, it is essential that you write a topic that will satisfy your college students. Although the research paper for college students is not difficult, it is still important that you choose the right topic that can capture their attention. Do some research on the topic and then come up with a topic that you think will help your students.Writing a research paper for college students can be a time consuming task. As a student, you need to make sure that you do your homework and choose the right topic.
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