
Sunday, February 17, 2019

Epithets in Othello :: Othello essays

Epithets in Othello   An epithet is an adjective or adjective phrase that characterizes a person or thing.  Epithets can often consist of abusive or contemptuous oral communication such as those directed by the professionally offended Iago in Shakespeares Othello.  Iago refers to Othello with damning epithets to suggest the Moor as a lust operate animal that is violating the innocent Desdemona.  For instance, he calls Othello, an old black ram who is tupping Brabantios snowy ewe(Act I, Scene I 90-91).  He is referring to the fact that Othello is a Moor, or sick skinned man.  Iago is also making the insinuation that Othello is, at this moment, copulating with Brabantios innocent daughter, Desdemona.  In addition, Iago warns Brabantio that if he does not rescue his daughter, the devil volition make Brabantio a grandfather (Act I, Scene I 93).  Again, he is suggesting that Othello is demonic and comparable to a wild animal.  He con tinues erupting insults shouting that a Barbaray horse is mounting Desdemona and that Brabantios nephews will neigh and cousins will be coursers, or strong horses (Act I, Scene I 113-114).  Yet again, Iago is suggesting that Othello is animal-like and that this quality will arise throughout Brabantios family.  It is important to bill that in the play production Iago speaks such crude and obscene speech while hiding behind several clustered poles below Brabantios window.  This apparent movement reveals Iagos attempt to remain an honest man in the eyes of the opposite characters while carrying out a plan of revenge.  Although Iagos insults toward Othello appear to be racial, it does not  make the entire play racist.  Iago is so consumed by revenge against Othello, for go him over for the promotion that he will say or do anything to attain his peculiar end (Act I, Scene I 62).

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