
Monday, February 11, 2019

Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijns Self-Portraits Essay -- Painter Painting

The old man sits. His hands be folded nicely in his lap up and his facialfeatures stay composed. He wears an overcoat that commandms to be a fluffy velvet,shaded in a reddish-violet hue. Curls peep through the cap on his head, whichis pushed around back and to the side. His eyes gaze unto those of theobserver, telling of his life the lack of fulfillment, the affect for restoration. Thecolor of his face and the caps white brim are lit up against a background thatn other(a) engulfs the outline of his body, enceinte an impression of incompleteness.Although the mans garment can be seen, it is middling hidden amongst thedark colors surrounding. The lines and colors that are so comfortablyapparent in the creation of the stark whiskers, the distinguished nose andbrow, and nevertheless the rounded cheeks, disappear in the detail of the body.Although this icon will marvel some, pulling them in as they observe otherswill dear make it by, thinking, hes just a man on the wall.Rembr andt Harmensz forefront Rijn painted many self-portraits throughouthis career, and about forty have survived. In studying these paintings, atomic number 53 willfind that a certain outgrowth and development of his style happened throughouthis life. For example, in his earlier self-portraits, he use a technique that iscalled chiaroscuro, which is the use of deep variations of light and shade. Inthese early paintings, it is hard to tell what Rembrandt looked like because ofthe shadows covering his face. The later portraits, however, have a softer,more emotional tone. These paintings are the most moving portraits thatRembrandt did. The one expound above was done the same year that hedied, 1669. The emotions that come with the painting are incredible and as... ...elf-expression. In looking at thesedifferent pieces, one can see that the life of this man and where he was, actsas an beta reference to his paintings. So the next time you think, oh, hesjust a man on the wall, take time to look, what do you see?Works CitedBockermuhl, Micheal. Rembrandt. Germany Taschen, 2000.Koehler, Wilhelm. Rembrandt. new-fashioned York H.N. Abrams, 1953.Krent, Emily, and Danie Mary. Paintings by Rembrant.Web Gallery of Art. Web. 12 May 2015.http//www.kfki.hu/arthp/hypertext markup language/r/rembran/painting/index.htmlPescio, Claudio. Masters of Art Rembrandt and 17th Century Holland.New York Peter Bedrick Books, 1995.Pioch, Nicolas. Rembrandt. Web Museum, Paris. Web. 12 May 2015.http//www.ibiblio.org/wn/paint/auth/rembrandtMjdehaan. Virtual array Novemeber 2014. Web. 12 May 2015.https//mjdehaan1.wordpress.com/

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