
Monday, February 11, 2019

Reopening Old Wounds :: Personal Narrative, Autobiographical Essay

Reopening Old WoundsProfessors Comment Bobs essay is an intensely personal, admirably middling introspective examination of his repressed emotions concerning his parents divorce.I would cry, but that would be a pointless waste of energy. Its one of those things that I envied my bring forth. In a flash she could go from the stoic lady of the house to a cry goose. I never understood how. Id go from awe to disgust to envy. I take more after my old man. Ive never seen him shed a single tear. Then again Ive never really seen him smile either. I grin a lot. I was supposed to be in my home town right now, tossing posterior cold ones and laughing with my best and oldest friends. My schedule wouldnt permit it, however. Its probably for the best. Its never a good idea to cause ones home town in a measly mood. Id probably just end up hang around the main drag, pissed off my ass and yelling at cruisers. Chances are I would end up in jail, or trade an old girlfriend and reope ning old wounds that should fill healed years ago. I wonder which of those two prospects is worse. Instead of expressing my emotions as I should, I have withdrawn them and locked them away deep inside me. Rather than call a friend and talk, or go walking, or listen to records, or assure things, I am in front of the computer, writing. It is a safe diverseness of expression if this gets too revealing or too corny, I provoke always delete the file, or password protect it, restricting gate to me alone. So the question on my mind lately has been why. What happened and when that has left me so numb to my feelings? Ive tried countless times to trace it book binding and pin it down to an event, to that key moment when I started down the caterpillar tread of self-imposed isolation. Of course, Freud would insist I failed the oral stage, the stage where trust and security department develop. It occurs usually around the second year of life, when parents wean their chi ld. If all goes strongaccording to Freudthe child tastes for the first time independence from his or her mother and begins to explore that independence.

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